
The mission of “Aim Club” Foundation is to empower individuals with comprehensive financial literacy. Through engaging educational programs, we provide essential knowledge on budgeting, saving, investing, and the latest advancements in technology and artificial intelligence. Our goal is to make financial understanding and strategic thinking accessible, approachable, and impactful for everyone.

At “Aim Club” Foundation, we believe that financial knowledge is not just a skill but a fundamental life tool that can open doors to greater opportunities and a more secure future. Our commitment is to make financial education accessible, approachable, and impactful for everyone, regardless of their background or prior knowledge.


At “Aim Club” Foundation, we offer a variety of activities designed to equip individuals with essential financial literacy skills and knowledge of cutting-edge technologies. Here are some of our key activities:

Budgeting Workshops

Our budgeting workshops are designed to help individuals take control of their finances. Participants learn how to track income and expenses, set realistic financial goals, and create a sustainable budget. Through interactive sessions, we provide practical tools and techniques for effective money management. By the end of the workshop, attendees will have the skills to make informed financial decisions and reduce financial stress.

Financial Literacy Seminars

Our financial literacy seminars are intensive programs designed to provide a deep dive into all aspects of personal finance. Over several days, participants engage in hands-on activities, group discussions, and expert-led sessions covering budgeting, debt management, credit scores, and retirement planning. These seminars are ideal for anyone looking to gain a solid foundation in financial literacy in a short period. Graduates leave with practical knowledge and a personalized financial plan.

Community Outreach Programs

We believe in giving back to the community. Our community outreach programs focus on bringing financial education to underserved populations. Through partnerships with local organizations, we offer free workshops and seminars tailored to the needs of the community. These programs aim to bridge the financial knowledge gap and empower individuals with the tools they need to achieve financial stability. By participating in our outreach initiatives, we help create a more financially literate and resilient community.

AI and Technology Integration Courses

As technology continues to evolve, staying informed about the latest advancements is essential. Our AI and technology integration courses provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of artificial intelligence and its applications in finance. Topics include AI-driven financial tools, cybersecurity, and the impact of technology on personal finance. These courses empower individuals to leverage new technologies for better financial management and career opportunities in the tech-driven economy.

Investment Webinars

Understanding the world of investments is crucial for long-term financial growth. Our investment seminars cover the basics of stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and other investment vehicles. We demystify complex concepts and provide strategies for building a diversified investment portfolio. Expert speakers share insights on market trends, risk management, and how to make smart investment choices. These seminars are perfect for both novice investors and those looking to enhance their investment knowledge.

Savings Challenges

Our savings challenges are fun, engaging activities that encourage participants to develop strong saving habits. Over a set period, individuals are guided through various saving techniques, from cutting unnecessary expenses to setting up automated savings plans. These challenges not only help participants build a financial cushion but also foster a community spirit as everyone shares their progress and tips. By participating, individuals learn the importance of saving and how small changes can lead to significant financial improvement.

We invite you to join these activities and take the first step towards financial empowerment with “Aim Club” Foundation.

“Aim Club” Foundation with ID No. 207347386 is a registered non-profit organization for public benefit headquartered in Bulgaria, the EU, according to the LNPLE. We perform public benefit activities intended to empower individuals with comprehensive financial literacy.

Please be aware that any products or company names mentioned, if any, may be trademarks (™ or ®) or the property of their respective owners. Our organization has no affiliation with them unless explicitly mentioned. Any brands referred to are purely for educational purposes. While we consistently aim for high-quality content, we cannot assure specific results, and our materials should be used solely as educational aids. It would be best to get independent financial advice from a professional when making financial decisions. If you have any inquiries, please don’t hesitate to contact us.